Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Man = Conqueror

There is a common trend in today's TV commercials that feature Filipino men. First, that there is an almost exclusive use of the Filipino leading man. Second, that this Filipino leading man is juxtaposed with over the counter (OTC) drugs such as Paracetamol and the like.

Now, these have implications. First, that the Filipino leading man is being pushed as the ideal image of Filipino men as a whole. That all Filipino men should be, if they aren't already, physically and mentally fit as well as physically attractive (yes, even Pacquiao). Notice also that all of the product endorsers in the commercials below have a goal in mind: to be in top physical condition in order to go about their business being manly men. I label this phenomena as the "conqueror mindset". Men are problem solvers and feel a sense of accomplishment when they overcome or conquer a certain problem. In the course of being manly men, obstacles arise such as muscle fatigue and headache. The use of OTC drugs is a way to conquer these obstacles in order to continue being manly men.

John Lloyd Cruz for Biogesic, a popular brand of Paracetamol.

Manny Pacquiao for Alaxan, a popular brand of Ibuprofen. He's in the process of training to maintain his status as arguably, best pound-for-pound boxer, and he experiences muscle pain so he uses Alaxan to maintain his training form.

Probably the best example of that "conqueror mindset" discussed earlier. Watch the video.

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