Monday, October 11, 2010

Coming Out

From the time that this ad hit the billboards at the biggest avenues of Metro Manila, it immediately received many criticisms from different religious and conservative groups. According to them, the ad promotes homosexuality and that it is corrupting to the people especially to the youth.

The ad board received many complaints from different sectors and groups of the society, so they did an immediate action of banning this kind of advertisements.

From: Abdulrahim Janjalani 
Subject: offensive billboard 
Date: Thursday, December 17, 2009, 10:14 AM

 I am writing to extend my violent vehemence regarding that Glutamax billboard ad on South expressway because it is offensive to public morals, given the implicit sexual message it gives. it normalizes homosexual sex, a propagandistic act to make homosexuality seem natural when it is not. Homosexuality is a gender identity disorder that needs compassion and care and cure, not mindless naturalization and normalization. thanks you! i pray you take down this offensive billboard, or we'd rally entire communities of fervent Catholics against this.


Dear Ms. Honrado-Dasig (Head, Ad-Board Standards) 

Pls cause the taking-down of the offensive subject Ad of GlutaMax in the South Expressway. Its sexual innuendo/ suggestiveness is damaging to the morals of the population, esp to the youth.
Thank you. 

Jos S. Sandejas 
Chairman, Parents for Education Foundation, Inc. 


Other complaints over the internet went like this:

"This is to complain about the offensiveness of the billboard ad for GlutaMax currently posted on SLEX. I don’t want my kids to see it and ask me what “whiter and gay” means and what that man is doing."

"This advertisement is sexually suggestive, and therefore is unfit for a public advertisement, especially for one which many children and teenagers view. I request that action be taken to remove this as soon as possible, with the corrupting influences which it presents."

This is probably the first ad that went very open about being 'gay' of a person, and also being open to promoting homosexuality. LGBT parties were very appalled by the offensive comments of the conservative groups and this also made them strongly push for a seat of the Ang Ladlad party list in the last election.

DJ Mojo Mojo, the man of the ad, has expressed his sentiments about the issue in his twitter account.

 “Come on, this is the Philippines! GAYS are EVERYWHERE and have been part of PINOY CULTURE since forever. Let’s not fool ourselves, PUHLEEZ!” (mojojo899)

“It’s okay to have gays in pinoy media as comedians singers & such but to have the word “GAY’ in an advertisement, why is that controversial?” (mojojo899)

“LGBTs literally run Philippine Media & Advertising but why is it that they do not stand up for our own rights? Please, make a stand!” (mojojojo899)

After all the issue, he then again came up with another ad, with the same bold statement he is advocating for.

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